To enter the BIOS on my own computer's Gigabyte GAP67AD3 motherboard, I have to press the delete key when it boots (before the operating system starts) Different manufacturers set different keys for opening the BIOS Once you have entered the BIOS, press the F9 key This will open a System Information pageI am not certain that your BIOS will have those settings, but you can check see if their is a Vertualization setting I have it in my UEFI BIOS for HP Omen, but don't there are settings for VTD and CFGLock Please click the "Thumbs up button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solvedI've successfully installed macOS Mojave with an Intel ik processor, Gigabyte Z390 Ultra AORUS motherboard and Sapphire Vega 64 graphics card that i'm now using as my main build Z390 takes a little extra to get working but its definitely worth it because everything can be made to work This guide turns the effort required to get a Z390 build running macOS into a simple copy paste guide

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Cfg lock gigabyte bios
Cfg lock gigabyte bios-Press Windows key R to open up a Run dialog box Then, type "msinfo32" and press Enter to open up the System Information screen Inside the System Information window, select System Summary from the lefthand side pane Then, move over to the right pane and scroll down through the items to find BIOS ModeFormat a USB stick to FAT32, create directory EFI\BOOT, then put BOOTx64EFI from here into the directory Boot from this USB stick, run setup_var 0xA12 0x00 (I would still keep this USB stick around if you want to apply CFGLock patches found here) Then run the command again If successful then run FPTwexe greset

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How to correctly setup BIOS for your Hackintosh, built on top of GIGABYTE motherboard Unleash full potencial of your Hackintosh build📌 SUBSCRIBE http//bFlag Post I want upgrade to a SSD and need to active AHCI SATA mode My BIOS is locked and useless, I can't find this feature during setup I have an HP Pavilion gbr Notebook PC and Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits The BIOS is Insyde F29BIOS access and configuration on PC systems are independent of any operating system because the BIOS is part of the motherboard hardware It doesn't matter if a computer is running Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, Unix, or no operating system at all—BIOS functions outside of the operating system environment and is no way dependent upon it
BIOS Setup 6 11 The Main Menu Once you enter the BIOS Setup program, the Main Menu (as shown below) appears on the screen Use arrow keys to move among the items and press to accept or enter other submenuThis worked now I just have toOr, if you want to start from scratch, access your BIOS settings and make sure that the Boot Mode is set to UEFI and save the changes before you exit Setting the boot mode to UEFI Once UEFI is enforced as the default boot mode, use this article ( here ) to clean install Windows 10
BIOS Setup 6 11 The Main Menu Once you enter the BIOS Setup program, the Main Menu (as shown below) appears on the screen Use arrow keys to move among the items and press to accept or enter other submenuCFG Lock is a BIOS setting that allows writing to a specific register, in this case MSR E2 (MSR = Model Specific Register) An MSR consists of one or more registers in blocks of instructions used to do certain tasks on a CPU MTRs are also used to control CPU's access to memory rangesBIOS Setting Guide BIOS Setup CFG lock (Default Enabled) SMART FAN control is the unique function by GIGABYTE whether providing intelligent and dynamic FAN speed control function Entry on S3 RTC Wake (Default Enabled) Enable / Disable entry on S3 RTC wake function

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Question Gigabyte bios update best practices Motherboards 1 Thursday at 350 PM M Question BIOS hangs during boot if Intel Virtualization is turned on Motherboards 10 Feb 4, 21 H Question motherboard bios update Motherboards 13 Dec 31, Question Asrock B450M Pro4 Sleep and Forget BIOS settings, really?CFG Lock (MSR 0xE2 write protection) disabled in BIOS if present (consider patching it otherwise if you have enough skills) See VerifyMsrE2 section for more details CSM disabled in BIOS if present (you may need to flash GOP ROM on NVIDIA 6xx/AMD 2xx or older, using GopUpdate or AMD UEFI GOP MAKER could simplify things)5 Disable CFG Lock CFG Lock prevents macOS from writing to a certain region in your BIOS macOS does this for power management and other reasons, and if it can't access it, it will not boot 6 Disable Intel Virtualization Technology / VTX

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Cfg Lock Hackintosh
CFG Lock (MSR 0xE2 write protection)(This must be off, if you can't find the option then enable AppleXcpmCfgLock under Kernel > Quirks Your hack will not boot with CFGLock enabled) # Enable VTx;There is a virus in the recent Gigabyte Realtek LAN driver addition for 2nd half Windows update for the Master 570 11/2 version motherboard Don't download it and run it My antivirus caught it, but its a nasty TrojanYOU MUST modify SN/UUID/MLB/ROM values in configplist file ROM value is the MAC address of your motherboard builtin network card, check it on BIOS settings Updates / Version 176Verified working with 1121 (D74), roll back HfsPlusefi AGPMInjectorkext for testing

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Motherboards 3 Jun 5Is the BIOS version F11 RB different from the F11 version available from the Gigabyte website?So I was about to install Yosemite on my new SSD and one the the setting it says to disable is CFG lock I cant find it!

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Navigating GIGABYTE's X570 UEFI You enter the BIOS/UEFI by hitting the "delete" button when you see the post code "b2" (or "62") or when your keyboard's "number lock" light turn on Once in theWhen thinking about configuring BIOS, the configuration depends on the bootloader that is being used, two known bootloader for Hackintosh are Chameleon and Clover, Chameleon is a BIOS type bootloader, Clover can be installed as UEFI bootloader as well as BIOS type bootloader2 Originally Posted by Menthol In the bios, Advanced menu, CPU configuration, scroll to bottom, CPU Power Management, CPU CStates, Disable In the BIOS Advanced menu on my G75VW, there is no CPU configuration item to select I don't find anything in the BIOS interface giving me access to the CPU settings

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When thinking about configuring BIOS, the configuration depends on the bootloader that is being used, two known bootloader for Hackintosh are Chameleon and Clover, Chameleon is a BIOS type bootloader, Clover can be installed as UEFI bootloader as well as BIOS type bootloaderBIOS Setting Guide BIOS Setup CFG lock (Default Enabled) SMART FAN control is the unique function by GIGABYTE whether providing intelligent and dynamic FAN speed control function Entry on S3 RTC Wake (Default Enabled) Enable / Disable entry on S3 RTC wake functionAs the title says, excited to see CFG Lock support in F12J Confirmed working w/o quirks on OC 062 Catalina & Big Sur CPU Intel iK 36GHz GPU Sapphire RX580 RAM 4x16GB Ripjaw 3600 @ 2666 MB Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Pro Wifi v1 BIOS F12J PS Corsair RM750x AIO Corsair Hydro H115i Pro Wifi/BT Fenvi FVT919 Drives

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How to correctly setup BIOS for your Hackintosh, built on top of GIGABYTE motherboard Unleash full potencial of your Hackintosh build📌 SUBSCRIBE http//bCFGLock is a setting in your BIOS that allows for a specific register (in this case the MSR 0xE2) to be written to By default, most motherboards lock this variable with many even hiding the option outright in the GUI And why we care about it is that macOS actually wants to write to this variable, and not just one part of macOSCFG LOCK= leave default, Part of Mac OS, locks part of memory Security Option = Setup Fast Boot = Ultra Fast Mouse Speed 2x This Bios is a Official Bios from Gigabyte eSupport **Warning** Before flashing a bios all ways reset cosmos or load bios defaults

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使用AMIBCP修改CFG Lock为Disable,两个都是Disable,保存; 把修改好的BIOS和EFIFlash放入FreeDos U盘目录,插入机箱后面的USB接口(不建议使用前置面板的U盘接口); Done。Above 4G decoding BIOS Notes When enabling Above4G, Resizable BAR Support may become an available on some Z490 and newer motherboardsTested on Asus X299, Z370MPlus II, and Gigabyte Z370 AORUS Gaming 5 and 7 This feature is based on an OpenCore 004 distribution and works with the FwRuntimeServiceefi driver 4 DeviceProperties Only needed when CFGLock can't be disabled in BIOS Avoid unless necessary AppleXcpmCfgLock Only needed when CFGLock can't be

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Close 1 Posted by 5 years ago Archived CFGlock?The "CFG Lock" is a setting that is quite new in UEFI BIOS, or appears in some manufacturers For example, I never encountered it on my Gigabyte GAZ87NWIFI BIOS settings, despite using this same CPU Nevertheless, it seems critical and related to Haswell's power management as nearly9900K CPU, BIOS 6, Windows 10 pro with balanced power plan In the BIOS there is an Easy Tune area that is not available via the BIOS I assume there is a Gigabyte Easy Tune app that I did not install Perhaps this is what is causing the OC

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Might need to update your bios I had to on my z97 g43 1 Share Report Save level 2 Original Poster 5 years ago Yes!To enter the UEFI on a Gigabyte motherboard, press the delete key when your computer boots (before the operating system starts) Different manufacturers set different keys for opening the UEFI On some Gigabyte motherboards, this will bring you to the "3D BIOS" From here, you can choose which specific part of your motherboard that you want toDump the Bios First, we're going to load the bios from the bios chip into a binary file using AMI Firmware Update, Edit the bios menus using AMIBCP, we're going to edit the dumped bios binary file, and unlock hidden menus, Flash Modded Bios that's the final part of the guide

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A BIOS password still does provide extra protection here, particularly in situations where people have access to a keyboard and USB ports, but the computer's case is locked up and they can't open it How to Set a BIOS or UEFI Password RELATED How to Boot Your Computer From a Disc or USB DriveBIOS Setup 6 11 The Main Menu Once you enter the BIOS Setup program, the Main Menu (as shown below) appears on the screen Use arrow keys to move among the items and press to accept or enter other submenuThere is probably a backdoor password that will get you into BIOS (so then you can remove the current bios password) Call Dell tech support and ask for it I think I know what it is but I don't feel like it's a good idea to publish it on the forums If Dell won't give you the password, send me a message and I'll give you one you can try

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Fixing Cfg Lock Opencore Post Install
Hallo zusammen, ich habe im Bios meines Neuen Mainboards einen Punkt bei den Stromsparmechanismen gefunden, der deaktiviest und ich Null damit Anfangen kann Es nennt sich "CFG Lock" und ist, wieThe security section of the BIOS is used to keep unauthorized people from making any changes to the BIOS Because settings in the BIOS are so critical to proper PC operation, many office IT staffHere are standard AMI UEFI BIOS settings for Gigabyte AMI UEFI BIOS, Gigabyte AWARD BIOS, ASUS AMI UEFI BIOS, and MSI AMI UEFI BIOS To access BIOS/UEFI Setup, press and hold Delete on a USB Keyboard while the system is booting up Load Optimized Defaults If your CPU supports VTd, disable it If your system has CFGLock, disable it

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Note Gigabyte has published (09/16/) a new BIOS for my Z390 Aorus Elite board, it is the F10g version and the main novelty, at least in the graphical interface, is the presence of a new option to block or unblock CFG so this task is much easier from now onI updated the BIOS version to F11 but am not seeing CFGLock in MIT → Advanced Frequency Settings → Advanced CPU Core Settings as you described The file sizes for the two F11 BIOS files are identical (16,384)Gigabyte Z390 Master with BIOS level F11L Intel ik 32GB Corsair 3000mhz dimms Corsair H75 water cooler Seasonic 750 Platinum Samsung 970 Pro m2 NVMe 512GB (boot drive) Samsung 970 Pro m2 NVMe 512GB (gaming drive) Intel 750 NVMe 480GB (data drive) NVIDIA RTX 80TI FE 11GB

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Click here for COVID19 Coronavirus Updates – Operations of many departments and functions have changed and may be different from normal operations reported on this websiteF12c Unlockzip Use with Z390 Pro WIFI Bios Revision F12c ONLY 1 Download the profile and save it to a USB Key 2 Go into the bios, 3 Load the profile, 4 Save and exit 5 Go straight back into the bios and save your bios to a new profile and name it Default CFG Unlocked or something like that

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